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Top Stories, September 7, 2023

The Indictment Charges Against Schoonover 

Steuben County District Attorney Brooks Baker reports that Larry Schoonover, 51, of Bath, has been indicted on the following charges, for the standoff in Bath on August 20: 1st degree attempted murder, 2nd degree attempted murder, 1st degree criminal use of a firearm, 3rd degree criminal possession of a weapon, 1st degree reckless endangerment, 3rd degree assault.  "It is alleged that Larry Schoonover knew people were police officers, that he knew that they were doing their duty, and that Schoonover tried to kill them," District Attorney Brooks Baker stated.  "The fact that there were not injuries to police officers, was not for a lack of Schoonover trying." 


Painted Post Man Charged

Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard reports that on September 6, 2023, Investigators of the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office arrested Joseph R. Hetlan, age 42, of Hornby Drive, Painted Post, New York, resultant from an investigation and search warrant conducted in March 2023 concerning narcotic sales in the Painted Post area which led to a Grand Jury Indictment.  It is alleged that Mr. Hetlan possessed multiple preparations of methamphetamine and a prohibited weapon at his residence.   Mr. Hetlan was charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Third Degree, a class B Felony, and Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Fourth Degree.   Mr. Hetlan was arraigned in Steuben County Court and remanded to the Steuben County Jail.  Sheriff Allard thanks the City of Corning Police and the Village of Painted Post Police Departments for their assistance in this investigation.


A Public Narcan Unit Is Outdoors, At The Addison Fire Dept

 A public waterproof outdoor NARCAN unit is now located at the front of the Addison Volunteer Fire Station – the first in Steuben County – with others scheduled to be
installed at the Hammondsport and Caton volunteer fire departments soon.  The life-saving measure in Addison is in place at the station on Tuscarora Street thanks to the
efforts of Jaime Dyke of Addiction Awareness of Steuben County and the local fire department, with all three outdoor units funded by the Steuben Prevention Coalition Opioid
Committee (SPCOC).  “The overdose rates in Steuben County continue to rise,” said Connie Terry, SPCOC Program
Assistant. “The wall units provide easy access to Narcan® and are intended to make it available 24/7 at the time of a life-threatening emergency.”  Terry noted each unit requires community partners willing to monitor the units and contact
members of the Opioid Committee for refills. The importance of having the outdoor wall units available in a rural county the size of Rhode Island cannot be overstated, she said.
“It is imperative that we find a way to reduce the time and distance to EMT/emergency services,” she said. “Fire departments and police stations have always been
places people turn to for help in an emergency. Overdoses can happen any day of the week at any time of the day. Having the emergency wall units and making Narcan readily available is essential to saving lives.”  
Narcan® is considered a “Do No Harm” drug that only works when opioids are present in a person’s system. For example, if someone overdoses on methamphetamine, Narcan will not reverse the overdose and will not further harm the
victim in any way.  “As long as someone draws breath, there is hope for recovery,” said SPCOC co-chair Brandon Beuter. “Narcan saves lives.”  Narcan® training is free by and available by contacting Steuben County Public Health Opioid Overdose at https://ny-steubencounty.civicplus.com/696/Opioid-Overdose-Prevention or by email at connie.terry@dor.org.

Many resources are available in Steuben County. For a complete list go to 211 or Steuben County Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services at https://www.steubencountyny.gov/189/Alcoholism-Substance-Abuse-Services


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